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I Can Hear Your Voice (2013)
I Can Hear Your Voice
너의 목소리가 들려
(Jun – Jul 2013)
who’s in it
Lee BoYoung (My Daughter SeoYoung, Ecuator Man)
Lee JongSuk (School 2013, High Kick 3, Secret Garden)
Yoon SangHyun (Secret Garden, Queen of Housewives)
Kim GaEun
Lee DaHee (Birdie Buddy)
Kim HaeSook (Childless Comfort, Life is Beautiful)
Yoon JooSang (IRIS 2, School 2013)
Jung WoongIn (Ojakgyo Brothers, Coffee House)
18 episodes
Jo SooWon
Park HyeRyun
(Dream High)
what’s it about
Lee DaHee is the privileged daughter of a respected but cold-hearted judge. Lee BoYoung, the heroine of this tale, is the daughter of his maid. When the two un-friends accidentally witness a maniac attempting to kill a man and his young son, their lives become permanently bonded. But it is the kind of bond built on distrust and rivalry, not any kind of survival-pact type kinship. When Lee BoYoung bravely steps up to testify (although she retro-believes her act of honor had been foolish), she succeeds in sending Jung WoongIn to jail, thereby also succeeding in becoming the target of his hatred and revenge. Whether by coincidence or by cruel design, Lee BoYoung eventually grows up to become a bristly, somewhat disliked public defender, while her nemesis Lee DaHee becomes a highly respected prosecutor.
Lee JongSuk plays the teenager version of the young boy saved, and he has a big secret. During the brutal events of his father’s murder, he develops an uncanny ability to hear people’s thoughts when looking into their eyes. As he describes it, the world is little more noisier for him than for other people. The headphones around his neck are not for trend’s sake, but his small defense against a constantly whining population.
Ten years have passed since Lee BoYoung’s testimony sent Jung WoongIn away to prison, and Lee JongSuk has had no contact with her, but not for a lack of trying. He has always wanted to find his savior again. When he finally does, thankfully, it’s just in time to help her as the crazy evil Jung WoongIn has been released from prison and is gunning for the woman who had been the cause of his incarceration. Lee JongSuk attempts to keep the vow he made as a little boy to the older girl who had selflessly testified on his behalf: I’ll protect you.
Also, Yoon SangHyun plays a fellow public defender who dorks his way into Lee BoYoung’s heart. As far as the dynamic between these two adults go, it’s not bad—think Clark Kent and Lois Lane, but attorneys, not reporters. Oh, right, no superpowers, either. Although now my comparison is getting confusing because technically I guess Lee JongSuk does have a superpower...ok, nevermind. Moving on. At a skim, an exceptionally serious sounding thing. In reality, more a funny and sweet rainbows and sunshine romcom, with only the occasional dark cloud to keep the story going.
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