İyi Seyirler Dileriz.
Diary | I Heart Kim Bum
My first rambling thoughts post...
A sad summer cloud has been following me around. I really really REALLY miss my KyungHo-filled Mondays and Tuesdays. I want the poor actor to rest and heal from his back injury, absolutely, but I also don’t know how I’ll stand the rest of the year without any hope of seeing him again.
In fact, I haven’t quite gotten over Heartless City’s dramatic conclusion yet either, definitely not enough to write anything about it without getting too emotional. Even thinking about it in relation to how much I miss Jung KyungHo makes me feel morose all over again.
I am, however, almost done with my I Can Hear Your Voice review. Almost...
I’m not really sure why I drew milk and a canister of flour next my mug of imaginary coffee above. Not really a natural pairing that...let’s just pretend I drew a cookie there instead. Why the pictures anyway? Don’t diary pages have a lot of doodles, as a general rule?
So, what is this corner? I haven’t really indulged in much rant fangirling on my blog outside the lines of my drama reviews, but I do personally enjoy it when other bloggers share their developing thoughts about what is going on in the K-universe, so I thought I would try it myself. Like everyone else, I do secretly lurk on other drama blogs like all the time. I’m too self-conscious to comment on posts, but I love reading.
Also, I noticed my drama reviews were getting longer and longer and that needed to be solved. I thought perhaps releasing some of my drama thoughts beforehand might do the job.
Dramas I will ramble about and spoil after the jump: The Blade and the Petal (I have watched until Ep3), Goddess of Fire (until Ep11), and Who Are You (until Ep4).