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A Liebster Nomination

I’ve been pretty MIA in the kdrama blogverse for months that nearly equal to years, but it makes me feel so loved and happy and humbled that other bloggers haven’t forgotten me! Everyone is so kind! Thanks Indigo @ Between Wor(L)ds and glacierkn @ Ginkgohill for nominating me for a Liebster. Here are the participant rules of acceptance:

1 List 11 random facts about yourself.
2 Answer the questions designated by the blogger (s) who nominated you.
3 Place YOUR nominations for the Liebster Award! Nominate five (or more) other bloggers that have less than 200 followers. Make sure to notify them via comment/email, etc.
4 Make up a set of questions for those nominated bloggers to answer.
5 Display the Liebster award badge on your blog!

11 Random Facts About Myself
1 I’m a Big Bang fan, and an even bigger G-Dragon fan; my favorite non-Korean artists are Sigur Ros and Interpol.

2 Before kdramas took over my life, I watched a lot of anime. My all-time favorites are Shinichirō Watanabe’s Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo, two works I think are pure works of artistic genius.

3 I’m a voracious reader, my Kindle often tucked away in my bag and traveling with me. If I wasn’t blogging about kdramas, likely I’d be blogging about my other passion: books. I am a particular fan of science fiction and historical fantasy.

4 I’m a Manchester United follower. Goodbye and goodluck, Fergie!

5 My guilty pleasure is watching those blasted Kardashian shows. A part of me hates myself for watching them, but I can’t help myself. On another note, I’ve also been really enjoying Anthony Bourdain’s new CNN show Parts Unknown, a beautifully filmed foodie docu-travelogue with a pinch of history, or something of that sort.

6 I’ve never watched a single old sku Star Trek thing, tv show or film, but I love the new JJ Abrams movies starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. Does that make me some sort of Trekkie now?

7 I am currently obsessed with playing “Candy Crush” on my iPad. I just love seeing those sprinkled donuts explode!

8 I’m a terrible singer and am the embarassment of all present when doing group karaoke.

9 My favorite drinks are gin martinis and New Orleans style Pimm’s Cups.

10 My favorite Korean dishes are bibimbap (with samgepsal, chives, and sesame leaves), samgetang, and all forms of naengmyun, which I plan to eat a lot of when…

11 …when I visit Seoul and Tokyo later this year. That’s right, y’all, you read right, I’ll be landing in the motherland very, very soon!

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