İyi Seyirler Dileriz.

Jumong / The Book Of Three Han/주몽 2006

Tür Tarihi bir dizi
Yayin Tarihi: May 15, 2006 ~ Mar 06, 2007 Bölüm Sayisi: 83

Kim Geun-hong(김근홍)
Lee Joo-hwan(이주환)


Song Il Gook(송일국) Prince Jumong(주몽)
Han Hye-jin(한혜진) Lady Soseono(소서노)
Kim Seung-soo(김승수) Prince Daeso(대소)
Jeon Kwang Yeol(전광렬) King Geumwa(금와)
Oh Yeon-soo(오연수) Lady Yuhwa(유화)
Kyeon Mi-ri(견미리) Queen Wonhu(원후)
Sung Ji Hyo(송지효) Lady Yesoya(예소야)



Konusu: (Alintidir)

Kore tarihinin bir bölümü üzerine kurulmus bir dizidir. Baslarda 60 bölüm olarak çekilmesi düsünülmüs olsada elde etmis oldugu basaridan dolayi 81 bölüme kadar uzatilmis dizi Goguryeo kralligini ve Jumaong (Dongmyeongseongwang) un hayatini konu almaktadir.
Gojoseon, Çin Han Imparatorlugunun eline geçmistir ve geriye kaldan yönetimi birbirinden ayrilmis olan sehirlerin Han imparatorluguna karsi koyma sansi yoktur. Zalim Han imparatorlugu esir olarak aldigi Gojoseon halkini hapseder ve imparatorlugun yeni silahlarini onlar üzerinde kullanir

Efsanevi asker Hae Mo-su , Buyeo Hükümdarligi prensi Geumwa ile Han’in bu vahsetine son vermek ve Da-Mul Gun’u kurmak için Wiman-Chosun sehrinin tutsaklarini korumaya çalisan bir gurup asker ile el ele verirler. Hae Mo-su Han’in askerleri ile yaptigi savas sonunda yari ölü yari canli olarak nehre düser.

Haebaek kabilesi prensesi onu bulur ve tekrar sagligina kavusmasina yardim eder. Tamda aralarinda bir iliski baslarken her nasilsa Hae Mo-su yu arayan Han Haebaek kabilesi prensesin onu korudugundan ve Hae Mo-su kabileye siginmasindan süphelenir ve kabileyi yerle bir eder. Hae Mo-su son anda kurtulur ve göçebe bir kabile olan Gyeh-Ru nun kervanina katilir.

Tüccarlarin basi ayni zamanda Gyeh-Ru kabilesininde basidir, Hae Mo-su ya kim oldugunu bilmeden ona kervanda bir is önerir. Yeon Ta-Bal, Hae Mo-su’ya kendi korumasi ve çadirinin altina girmesi gerektigini anlatir ve kervandakiler ile tanismasini, kaynasmasini saglar. Tamda konusmanin ortasinda Haebaek’ten bir haber gelir ve herkes yeni misafirlerinin yüzündeki o korku dolu ifadeyi görür ve bu nedenle Yeon Ta-Bal Hae Mo-su’dan süphelenmeye baslar. Ertesi gün kervan yola çikar ancak Yeon Ta-Bal’in esinin dogum sancisi çekmeye baslamasiyla kervan durur.

Kervanin durmus ve sonradan Yeon Ta-Bal’in Seo-No adini verdigi bebeginin dogumu sirasinda kervani koruma görevi Hae Mo-su ya verilmistir. Dogum sonrasinda Yeon Ta-Bal ticaret içinde bulunduklari Han Dynasty araciligi ile Hae Mo-su nun kaçak oldugunu ve yakalanmasi için basina ödül kondugunu ögrenir. Ancak gerek kizini tehlikelere karsi korumus olmasi gerekse kervani savunmasi nedeni ile Yeon Ta-Bal’in Hae Mo-su ya olan güveni tamdir ve bu nedenle onu ele vermemeye karar verrir.

Hae Mo-su Geumwa ‘ya geri döner ve çatismayi kabul eder. Ancak, Damulgun (Damul ordusu) esirleri özgür birakmak için ellerinden geleni yaparkan Han’da Damul ordusu esirleri kurtarmaya geldiginde onlara saldirmak için ordusunun bir bölümünü esir gibi saklamaktadir. Tuzaga düsürülen Damul ordusu ,sahte esirler ve zirhli süvariler tarafindan öldürülür ve Hae Mo-su yakalanir. Han’in emriyle Hae Mo-su ya iskence edilir ve gözleri kör edilir.

Geum-wa, herkesin kör sandigi ama ata bile binebilen Hae Mo-sunun özgür kalmasi için verdigi savasi kazanir Hae Mo-su özgür kalir. Geum-wa bir satoda tuzaga düsürülmüs olan Hae Mo-su’yu kurtarmak için edindigi görevde basarili olamadigini çok geçmeden farkeder. Hae Mo-su bir okçu tarafindan vurulmustur ve muhtemelen nehrin kenarinda ölmüstür.

Haebaek prensesi Hae Mo-su ‘nun çocugunu dogurmus, Buyeo Hükümdarliginin prensinin yanina gider. Haebaek prensini hamile biraktiktan sonra, Jumong, Buyeo prensi olmustur ve Haebaek prensi yeni kurulan Imparatorlugunda istegi ile artik bir saray cariyesidir. Jumong babasini ögrenecektir, öz ve üvey kardesleri ile birlikte vahsi bir rekabete girecektir, So Seo-No olan aski, ve sonunda Da-mul Gun’i yeniden canlandiracak ve Goguryeo kuracaktir.

Jumong (Korean: 주몽, Hanja: 朱蒙) is a historical drama which aired on South Korea's MBC television network as a 45th Anniversary Special Drama. Originally set to be 60 episodes long, MBC decided to extend it to 81 due to its popularity.
It portrays the life of Jumong Taewang, (founder of the kingdom of Goguryeo). Few details have been found in the actual historical records on Jumong, so many artistic details have been thought up. Much of the original myths surrounding Jumong have been replaced with more simplistic storylines, such as that concerning his birth. It is also considered a major part of the "Korean wave" ("Hallyu").


  • Song Il Gook (송일국) as Prince Jumong (주몽)
  • Han Hye-jin (한혜진) as Lady So Seo-no (소서노)
  • Kim Seung-soo (김승수) as Prince Daeso (대소)
  • Jeon Kwang Ryeol (전광렬) as King Geumwa (금와)
  • Oh Yeon-soo (오연수) as Lady Yuhwa (유화)
  • Kyeon Mi-ri (견미리) as Queen Wonhu (원후)
  • Song Ji-hyo (송지효) as Lady Ye So-ya (예소야)
  • Park Tam-hee (박탐희) as Lady Yang Seo-lan (양설란)
  • Ahn Yong-joon (안용준) as Yuri
  • Kim Byeong-ki (김병기) as Yeon Ta-bal (연타발)
  • Jin Hee-kyung (진희경) as High Priestess Yeomieul (여미을)
  • Lee Jae-yong (이재용) as Prime Minister Bu Deukbul (부득불)
  • Heo Joon-ho (허준호) as General Hae Mosu (해모수)
  • Won Ki-joon (원기준) as Prince Yeongpo (영포)
  • Bae Su-bin (배수빈) as Sa-yong (사용)
  • Lim So-yeong (임소영) as Buyeong (부영)
  • Yoon Dong-hwan (윤동환) as Yangjeong (양정)
  • Oh Uk-chul (오욱철) as Lord Hwang (황자경)
  • Ahn Jeong-hoon (안정훈) as Mari (마리)
  • Lim Dae-ho (임대호) as Hyeopbo (협보)
  • Yeo Ho-min (여호민) as Oyi (오이)
  • Park Kyeong-hwan (박경환)as Bu Buhn-No (부분노)
  • Jeong Ho-bin (정호빈) as Wootae (우태)


Gojoseon has fallen to the Han Empire of China. All that is left are separate city-states that have no choice but to appease the Han Empire. In the series, the Han are portrayed as cruel, taking refugees prisoners, expunging them by using powerful iron weapons on them.
Hae Mo-su, a member of the Ko-Jo-Seon Imperial family of Jin-Jo-Seon, joins forces with Geumwa of Tong-Buyeo ('Tong'= East Buyeo), Crown Prince of Buyeo, in order to counter Han savagery, creating the TaMul-geun (Ta-mul army), a band of soldiers who are to defend Ko-Jo-Seon refugees. Hae Mo-su is injured after a skirmish takes place against Han soldiers, and floats down a river, only half alive. The Princess of the Hae-Baek tribe (Lady Yuhwa) finds him and nurses him back to health. However, the Han are looking for Hae Mo-su, and discover that the man the princess is sheltering looks like, and turns out to be, Hae Mo-su. As a result, they execute the whole tribe. Hae Mo-su escapes just in time and travels until he meets a caravan from the tribe of Gyeh-Ru. The head merchant, who is also the ruler of the Gyeh-Ru tribe, offers Hae Mo-su work with the caravan, ignorant of who the man is. The ruler, Yeon Ta-bal, tells Hae Mo-su to join him in his tent, and they introduce each other and begin to have a friendly exchange when news of the Hae-Baek tribe's extinction interrupts them in mid-conversation. Noticing the shocked look on his guest's face, Yeon Ta-bal suspects that his guest is Hae Mo-su himself. The following day, the caravan travels but stops has to stop when they learn that Yeon's wife has gone into labor. They set up camp and So Seo-no is born and protected, as Hae Mo-su successfully defends the trade caravan against a band of thieves, reinforcing Yeon's assumption. Yeon's caravan has trading rights with the Han Dynasty. As such, Yeon knows of Hae Mo-su's escape, and of the great reward for his capture. At this point, he is fully convinced that his fellow caravan companion is Hae Mo-su. Yeon decides not to turn Hae Mo-su in, however, as he has protected his caravan and his daughter from harm.
Hae Mo-su returns to Geumwa, and the skirmishes resume. The Princess of Hae-Baek, Yuhwa, has fallen for Hae Mo-su, and he, in turn, responds in like kind. Thus, he proposes to her, and they live together. However, as the TaMul-geun progress in their objective to free all refugees, the Han disguise their soldiers as fake refugees, who the TaMul-geun attempt to rescue. Ambushed by the fake refugees and "iron cavalry", the TaMul-geun fighting with Hae Mo-su are killed. Hae Mo-su is captured, and subsequently tortured and blinded by the Han.
Geumwa frees Hae Mo-su, who, though blinded, is still able to ride a horse. But due to Hae Mo-su's inability to see, they end up getting separated during their escape from the Han forces pursuing them. Geumwa believes that he has failed in his attempt to save Hae Mo-su when he sees Mo-su stumbling upon the edge of a cliff, pierced by arrows, falling into the river below. Meanwhile, Yuhwa, the Hae-Baek Princess, has Hae Mo-su's child. Geumwa offers to help her and is present when she gives birth to Jumong. Geumwa's wife turns jealous because he was not even there for the birth of his two sons. She goes to the Crown Prince of Puyeo after bearing her son, Jumong, who becomes a prince of Puyeo after the Crown Prince's enthronement and Yuhwa upon the new Emperor's insistence becomes a Royal Concubine.
The series then flashes twenty years into the future, where the major part of the plot takes place. Having grown up being overshadowed by Geumwa's two sons DaeSo and Yeong-Po, Jumong has grown into a weak and cowardly prince with a penchant for womanizing. Yuhwa, his mother, decides that it is time for Jumong to grow up and become responsible. She arranges for Jumong to begin training in swordsmanship and martial arts. Jumong's instructor is the chief jailor of an underground prison, and Jumong begins his training there. Within a few episodes however, Jumong causes major trouble. First, he entraps and ends up being locked up with a royal priestess apprentice during attending a majorly important ceremony instead of attending to his royal duties. This leads to her being kicked out of the palace and insulting his adoptive father, the Emperor. After that, he accidentally starts a fire in the Puyeo blacksmith workshop, betraying its existence to the wary Han nation and bringing major dishonor to Puyeo. Following these two events, he is stripped of his title as a prince and expelled from the palace. His expulsion does little to staunch the antagonism and hostility between him and his two adoptive brothers, however, who send assassins to pursue and have him killed.
While wandering around Puyeo with nowhere to stay, he encounters three common robbers named Oy-ee, Mari and Hye-Op-Bo, who disrespect and beat him up at first, but decide to serve and treat him as an older brother when they learn of his true identity. He also meets the now 21-year-old So Seo-No, Yeon Ta-Bal's daughter, and establishes a relationship with the Gyeh-Ru trading clan.
In addition, Jumong encounters a mysterious old man at the prison where he trains, who tells him that he used to be part of the TaMul-geun. Though Jumong is unaware upon first meeting him, the blind old man is his father Hae Mo-su. After narrowly escaping the prison together after DaeSo and Yeong-Po attempt to assassinate them, Hae Mo-su trains Jumong to become an archer and an even better fighter. It is during this time that a strong master-student bond develops and grows between them.
While Jumong is away, Hae Mo-su is assassinated by DaeSo and Yeong-Po. Jumong does not realize the old man's true identity until well afterwards, upon which he swears to accomplish what his father was unable to. Acknowledging that Jumong has finally become Hae Mo-su's worthy successor that Geumwa always envisioned, he allows Jumong to return to the palace.
During DaeSo's temporary taking over the power from Geumwa, Jumong is led to marry Ye So-ya, who is the daughter of the Hanbaek tribe's chief. Ye So-Ya helps Jumong recover from a war (Puyo VS Chinbun and Lintun) injury. Jumong is assumed to be dead because the Puyo troops could not find him. The Hanbaek tribe's chief gets killed due to a rebellion staged my the tribe's trading troop manager. The manager sends Jumong to Xuantu in order to curry favor with the Han. On the way to Xuantu, Jumong is rescued by Mari, Oy-ee, Hyeobo, Musong and Mo Palmo. Meanwhile, back in the palace, a rivalry breaks out between DaeSo and Yeong-Po, who are both vying to be named Crown Prince. Yeong-Po brashly makes an attempt on DaeSo's life, but Jumong saves DaeSo and thus earns his trust. But Jumong uses this against DaeSo, and with the help of his three lieutenants (Mari, Oy-ee and Hyeobo),commandeers a group of refugees that were to be sent as slaves to the Han nation, establishing his own settlement in the mountains. Jumong names this new settlement the "Tamul-geun", symbolic of its revival. Over the course of the following three years, the new Tamul-geun (led by Jumong) and Gyeh-ru (led by So Seo-No) collaborate to unite the nearby settlements under one banner. Through many struggles with DaeSo, Yeong-Po, Puyeo and the Han nation, the kingdom of Ko-Kuryeo is finally established. Jumong becomes the nation's first king and So Seo-No its queen.
Jumong rules Ko-Kuryeo for 15 years. Eventually Yuri, Jumong's son, and then Ye So-ya, who were both presumed to have died return to Ko-Kuryeo and soon after, Yuri becomes the Crown Prince of Ko-Kuryeo.

 Jumong / Efsane Prens / 주몽 OST 

Jumong / Efsane Prens / 주몽 OST CD 1

Jumong / Efsane Prens / 주몽 OST CD 1

01. Ju Mong - Main Theme
02. Haneuryeo, Jebal ("Dear Heaven, Please") - In Soon I
03. CheonAe ("Horizon") - Ji Kyung
04. Yaksok ("Promise") - Lee Sung Wook, Han Ji Won
05. Cheom Geu Ddaecheoreom ("Like the First Time") - Im Tae Kyung
06. UnmyeongUi Kal ("The Sword of Destiny")
07. Samo ("Longing")
08. PiUi Jeonjang ("Bloody Battlefield")
09. Haemosu - Theme
10. Chujeok ("Pursuit")
11. BaekIlMong ("Day Dream")
12. CheolgiGunUi Seubgyeok ("Steel Army's Attack")
13. EodumUi Neup ("Swamp of Darkness")
14. Gyeoltu ("Duel")
15. WangjaUi Yeojeong ("The Prince's Journey")
16. Seulpeun Unmyeong ("Sad Fate")
17. Nansaeng Shinhwa ("Legendary Time")
18. Gaebyeok ("Creation")
19. Heaven
20. Ju Mong - Ending Theme
21. CheonAe 2 ("Horizon 2") - Bae Dae Hae

Korece Isimleri:

The Book of Three Han: The Chapter of Joo Mong

01 . 주몽 Main Theme

02 . 하늘이여, 제발 - 인순이
03 . 천애[天愛] - 지경
04 . 약속 - 이성욱,한지원
05 . 처음 그 때처럼 - 임태경
06 . 운명의 칼
07 . 사모
08 . 피의 전장
09 . 해모수 Theme
10 . 추적
11 . 백일몽[白日夢]
12 . 철기군의 습격
13 . 어둠의 늪
14 . 결투
15 . 왕자의 여정
16 . 슬픈운명
17 . 난생신화
18 . 개벽
19 . Heaven
20 . 주몽 Ending Theme

Jumong part 2 / memories of love

[Resim: 07000013235.jpg]

Jumong / Efsane Prens / 주몽 OST CD 2

Jumong / Efsane Prens / 주몽 OST CD 2

22. SarangUi Gieok ("Memories of Love") - Jo Su Mi, Kuramoto Yuki
23. Yeongwonhan Bit ("Eternal Light")
24. SesangI NaReul Ora Hane ("The World Calls Me") - In Soon I
25. Akmong ("Nightmare")
26. YeongungUi Buhwal ("Rebirth of the Hero")
27. SarangUi Gieok ("Memories of Love") - Piano Version
28. Hero
29. MijiUi Ddang ("Unknown Land")
30. Pungun ("Whirlwind")
31. Amtu ("Secret Strife")
32. Bimil ("Secret")
33. DamulGunUi Huye ("Damul Army's Offspring")
34. Biryeon ("Tragic Love")
35. ParanUi Sewol ("Stormy Period")
36. Widehan Jeonseol ("Great Legend")
37. Eummo ("Conspiracy")
38. Pokpung ("Storm")
39. BimangRok ("Memorandum")
40. SarangUi Gieok ("Memories of Love") - Instrumental
41. Ju Mong - Ending Title (Dialogue)

Korece Sarki Isimleri
Jumong OST Part-2 - Memories of Love
01 . 사랑의 기억
02 . 영원한 빛
03 . 세상이 나를 오라 하네
04 . 악몽
05 . 영웅의 부활
06 . 사랑의 기억 (Piano Version)
07 . Hero
08 . 미지의 땅
09 . 풍운
10 . 암투
11 . 비밀
12 . 다물군의 후예
13 . 비련
14 . 파란의 세월
15 . 위대한 전설
16 . 음모
17 . 폭풍
18 . 비망록
19 . 사랑의 기억 (MR)
20 . 주몽 Ending Titlle (대사)

주몽 OST - 하늘이여, 제발(인순이)

가는건가요 돌아오나요
난 두려워져요
왠지 마지막 같은 너의 슬픈 뒷모습
꿈이였기를 바랬죠

끝도 없는 기다림에 너무 힘이 들어도
너 없이 보낼 날들이 난 자신 없는데
사랑아 떠나라 가서 내 맘 전해주고 와
너 다시 돌아오는 길에 내 님도 데려와
하늘이여 제발 외면 하지마

그 없인 숨이 끊어져 버릴 가슴을
세상에 눈을 닫아버린 채
다 잊으려 했죠

자꾸 떠오르지만 지워지진 않는 널
어떻게 해야 하는지
천번 만번 세상 끝에 내 맘 버리고 와도
어느 새 너는 추억으로 내 앞에 있죠

사랑아 떠나라 가서 내 맘 전해주고 와
너 다시 돌아오는 길에 내 님도 데려와
하늘이여 제발 외면 하지마
그 없인 숨이 끊어져 버릴 가슴을
소중했던 우리 많은 추억들이
네가 떠난뒤 아픈 눈물로 채워져만가

사랑아 내사랑 있는 곳에 나를 데려가
내 님도 못내 나를 기다리고 있을꺼야
하늘이여 제발 우릴 지켜줘
또 다시 만날 그 날엔 이별 없기를

주몽 OST - 하늘이여, 제발(인순이)

ga neun geon ga yo dol ra oh na yo
nan du ryeo weo jyeo yo
waen ji ma ji mak gat eun neo eui seul peun dwuit mo seup
ggoom yi yeot gi reul ba raet jyo

ggeut do oep neun gi da rim eh neo moo heem ee deul reo do
neo oep si bo nael nal deul ee na sin oep neun de
sarang ah ddeo na ra ga seo nae mam jeon hae joo go wa
neo da shi deol ra oh neun gil re nae nim do de ryeo wa
na neul yi yeo je bal wae myeon ha ji ma

geu oep shin soom ee ggeut neo jyeo beo rim ga seum eul
se sang eh noon mool da da beo rin chae

ja ggoo ddeo oh reu ji man ji weo ji jin ahn neun neol
eo ddeok ge hae ya ha neun ji
cheon beon man beon se sang ggeut eh nae mam beo ri go wa do
eo neu sae neo neun choo eok geu ro nae ap pae eet jyo

sarang ah ddeo na ra ga seo nae mam jeon hae joo go wa
neo da si deol ra oh neun gil re nae nim do de ryeo wa
ha neul ee yeo je bal wae myeon ha ji ma
geu oep shin soom ee ggeut eo jyeo beo rim ga seom eul
so joong haet deon woo ri mat neun choo eok deul ri
ne ga ddeo nan dwui ah peun noon mool ro chae weo jyeo man ga

Jumong OST - Dear Heaven, Please (In Sooni)

are you leaving or are you coming back
i am becoming afraid
the sorrowful look behind you is as if it's final
wishing it were only a dream

even though the waiting which has no end is difficult
i have no confidence to endure the days without you
leave, my love. go and tell about my heart.
and on your way back bring back my beloved.
dear heaven, please, do not forsake us.

this heart with its breath cut off without him
like a world with its eyes shut
wants to forget everything

you who flashes before me over and over but will not be forgotten
what should i do
a thousand time, ten thousand times i have thrown away my heart at the end of the world
in no time you appear before me through memories

leave, my love. go and tell about my heart.
and on your way back bring back my beloved.
dear heaven, please, do not forsake us.
this heart with its breath cut off without him
these many memories of ours that are precious
are filled by painful tears upon your leaving

dear love. take me to where my love is.
my beloved must be waiting for me as well
dear heaven. please, guard over us.
so that the day we meet again is spared of farewell.

Lee Sung Wook/Yaksok

chombuto son tae-un opsotji
nae unmyongi kuraetdushi
nae pume an-gyo-innun nol bomyo
na saragal uimirul al gehae

ijenun pi haji anhkesso
tto shiryoni tagawado
naega taeshi-nhalkke
kudae chigumchorom
usum ilhchi anhkil barae

ko-chin sesangi
urirul kalla nohado
buta-khae hundullijima
nae ma-um charalgo itja-nha
onjena kudael wihaeso
sesange massol chonbiga dwaesso
modun son-gane nae moksum kolgoso
kudael kkok chikyojulkke

bura-nhan naye miraewa
wihom soge kudael namkyoya hagiye
hokshi hime gyowo narul tonhandamyon
sarangun kudae gyote namgilkke
mon hunnal naega kuriwochida
sumun kasumuro uroya hal ttaemyon
kudael wirohae jul chu-okduri dweyo
ku sarang jikyojul su itke

ko-chin sesangi
urirul kalla nohado
buta-khae hundullijima
nae ma-um charalgo itja-nha
onjena kudael wihaeso
sesange massol chonbiga dwaesso
modun son-gane nae moksum kolgoso
kudael kkok chikyojulkke

bura-nhan naye miraewa
wihom soge kudael namkyoya hagiye
hokshi hime gyowo narul tonhandamyon
sarangun kudae gyote namgilkke
mon hunnal naega kuriwochida
sumun kasumuro uroya hal ttaemyon
kudael wirohae jul chu-okduri dweyo
ku sarang jikyojul su itke

bura-nhan naye miraewa
wihom soge kudael namkyoya hagiye
hokshi hime gyowo narul tonhandamyon
sarangun kudae gyote namgilkke
mon hunnal naega kuriwochida
sumun kasumuro uroya hal ttaemyon
kudael wirohae jul chu-okduri dweyo
ku sarang jikyojul su itke
kudaero jikyojul su itke

Hangul version

첨부터 선-택은 없었지.
내 운명이 그랬듯이.
내 품에 안겨있는 널 보며
나 살아갈 의미를 알-게해.

이제는 피-하지 않겠어.
또 시련이 다가와도
내가 대신할께.
그대 지금처럼
웃음 잃지 않길 바래.

거-친 세상이
우리를 갈라 놓아도
부탁해. 흔들리지마.
내 마음 잘 알고 있잖아.
언제나 그댈 위해서
세상에 맞설 준비가 됐어.
모든 순간에 내 목숨 걸고서
그댈 꼭 지켜줄께..

불안한 나의 미래와
위험 속에 그댈 남겨야 하기에
혹시 힘에 겨워 나를 한다면
사랑은 그대 곁에 다 남길께.
먼 훗날 내가 그리워지다
숨은 가슴으로 울어야 할 때멸
그댈 위로해 줄 추억들이 되어
그 사랑 지켜줄 수 있게.

거-친 세상이
우리를 갈라 놓아도
부탁해. 흔들리지마.
내 마음 잘 알고 있잖아.
언제나 그댈 위해서
세상에 맞설 준비가 됐어.
모든 순간에 내 목숨 걸고서
그댈 꼭 지켜줄께..

불안한 나의 미래와
위험 속에 그댈 남겨야 하기에
혹시 힘에 겨워 나를 한다면
사랑은 그대 곁에 다 남길께.
먼 훗날 내가 그리워지다
숨은 가슴으로 울어야 할 때멸
그댈 위로해 줄 추억들이 되어

불안한 나의 미래와
위험 속에 그댈 남겨야 하기에
혹시 힘에 겨워 나를 한다면
사랑은 그대 곁에 남길께.
먼 훗날 내가 그리워지다
숨은 가슴으로 울어야 할 때멸
그댈 위로해 줄 추억들이 되어
그댈(그 사랑) 지켜줄 수 있게

English version

There was no choice from the beginning.
Like my destiny was.
Looking into you holding into my arms
let me know the reason that I live.

Now I don’t run away.
when also the suffering comes
I’ll take it instead of you.
Hope you don’t lose your smile like as you are.

Even though this wild worlds do us apart,
I’m asking you don’t be hesitate.
You know my heart, don’t you?
I’m always ready for
standing toward all for you.
With every moments, I’ll take my life.
I’ll protect you without any fail

Since I have to leave you
into my insecure future and danger,
You might have a hard time.
I will leave all my love beside you.
Long time later
When you should cry alone by missing me,
They become the memories to cheer you
so that our love could be protected.

Even though this wild worlds do us apart,
I’m asking you don’t be hesitate.
You know my heart, don’t you?
I’m always ready for
standing toward all for you.
With every moments, I’ll take my life.
I’ll protect you without any fail

Since I have to leave you
into my insecure future and danger,
You might have a hard time.
I will leave all my love beside you.
Long time later
When you should cry alone by missing me,
They become the memories to cheer you
so that our love could be protected.

Since I have to leave you
into my insecure future and danger,
You might have a hard time.
I will leave all my love beside you.
Long time later
When you should cry alone by missing me,
They become the memories to cheer you
so that our love could be protected. 

Jo Su Mi/Sarangi Giok / Sarang Ui Gieok

ttae-obshi songduri-chae hundulline
kudae ttonan kanggaye sonuramyon
ttae-obshi songduri-chae hundulline
kudae ttonan kanggaye sonuramyon

hanbondo ku nun-kil bada-bwa-ssumyon
hanbon do ku son-gil chaba-bwa-ssumyon
nae-rinun bissoge nunmurul gamchuryo
asurai sonchinman nabugyossotji
nae-rinun bissoge nunmurul gamchuryo
asurai sonchinman nabugyossotji

kudae han-ttae-nun namanul hyanghan kuri-um
nado han-ttae-nun kudae-manul wihan sarang iyotgonman

ttae-obshi songduri-chae hundulline
kangmul katun sewori chinatgonman
ttae-obshi songduri-chae hundulline
kangmul katun sewori chinatgonman

ajikdo kudae sumgyol tullyo-onani
ajikdo kudae ttollim nukkyojinani
nae sae-ngae kkumchorom hwanghu-rhaet-don sun-gan
nunbushige binnadon ku-dae-wi miso
nae sae-ngae kkumchorom hwanghu-rhaet-don sun-gan
nunbushige binnadon ku-dae-wi miso

ku-dae onjena namanul wihan kuri-um
nado onjena kudae-manul wihan sarang iyotgonman

ajikdo nanun ttae-obshi hundulline
kudae ttonan numure kang-gaboda
haeng-bok-haet-don onu achime, sarang-haet-don giyoke

Hangul lyrics

때 없이 송두리째 흔들리네
그대 떠난 강가에 서노라면
때 없이 송두리째 흔들리네
그대 떠난 강가에 서노라면

한번 더 그 눈길 받아봤으면
한번 더 그 손길 잡아봤으면

내리는 빗 속에 눈물을 감추며
아스라이 손짓만 나부꼈었지
내리는 빗 속에 눈물을 감추며
아스라이 손짓만 나부꼈었지

그대 한 때는 나만을 향한 그리움
나도 한 때는 그대만을 위한 사랑이었건만

때없이 송두리째 흔들리네
강물 같은 세월이 지났건만
때없이 송두리째 흔들리네
강물 같은 세월이 지났건만

아직도 그대 숨결 들려오나니
아직도 그대 떨림 느껴지나니

내 생애 꿈처럼 황홀했던
순간 눈부시게 빛나던 그대의 미소
내 생애 꿈처럼 황홀했던
순간 눈부시게 빛나던 그대의 미소

그대 언제나 나만을 위한 그리움
나도 언제나 그대만을 위한 사랑이었건만

아직도 나는 때없이 흔들리네
그대 떠난 눈물의 강가보다
행복했던 어느 아침에, 사랑했던 기억에

Memory Of Love/ In Soon-i/Sesangi Narul Urahane

sesangi narorahane
harurul sarado
bolkke tanun kwaang-ya wiro naraga
cho tae-yang(ul) sson himchan hwasal … cho-rom

ku nugudo kan jogomnun gil
wirowado na hunja gagettchiman
sesang kkute so innundedo
cholmang omnun chijagil ppun

han chi apdo al su omnun
kirul gayahandamyon
turyo-umi nal magado
cho mongmarul sesanguro

sesangi narorahane
harurul sarado
bolkke tanun kwaang-ya wiro naraga
cho tae-yang(ul) sson himchan hwasal … nal cho-rom

han chi apdo al su omnun
kirul gayahandamyon
turyo-umi nal magado
cho mongmarul sesanguro

sesangi narorahane
harurul sarado
bolkke tanun kwaang-ya wiro naraga
cho tae-yang(ul) sson himchan hwasal … na cho-rom

sesangi narorahane
harurul sarado
bolkke tanun kwaang-ya wiro naraga
cho hanul nupi nanun sae-ga …. twe-ri….


세상이 날 오라하네
하루를 살아도
붉게 타는 광야 위로 날·아·가
저 태양을 쏜 힘찬 화살 처~럼~

그 누구도 간 적 없는 길
외로워도 나 혼자 가겠지만
세상 끝에 서 있는데도
절망 없는 시작일 뿐

한 치 앞도 알 수 없는
길을 가야한다면
두려움이 날 막아도
저 목마른 세상으로

세상이 날 오라하네
하루를 살아도
붉게 타는 광야 위로 날·아·가
저 태양을 쏜 힘찬 화살 나 처~럼~

세상이 날 오라하네
하루를 살아도
지친 세상 자유롭게 날·아·가
저 하늘 높이 나는 새가 되~리~ 

Insooni/ Ha Neul Ee Yu Je Balanuriyo Jebal

kanun gon-gayo / tura-u-nayo
nan turyowo-jyoyo…
waen-ji majimag ka-teun noye sulpun dwinmoseub
kkumi-optki-reul barae-jyo
kkutdo omnun kidarine nomu himi tu-rodo
no obshi bonael nalduri nan jashin omnunde…

saranga, tto-nara / kaso nae mam jon-hae-jugo wa
no dashi tura-unun gire nae nimdo tteryowa
hanuriyo, jebal wemyon hajima
ku obshin sumi kkunhojyo boril kasumul

sesange nunul / tadaborin chae
ta / ijuryo waejyo
jakku tto-orujiman jiwojijin anhnun nol
ottohke hae-ya hanunji…
chonbon manbon sesang kkute nae mam borigo wado
onu-sae no-neun chu-oguro nae ape itjyo

saranga, tto-nara / kaso nae mam jon-hae-jugo wa
no dashi tura-unun gire nae nimdo tteryowa
hanuriyo, jebal wemyon hajima
ku obshin sumi kkunhojyo boril kasumul

sochung-haetdon uri manhun chu-okduri
nega ttonandwe apun nunmul-lo chae-wojyomanka

saranga, nae-sarang innun gose na-reul dderyoga
nae nimdo monnae nareul gidarigo issul koya
hanuriyo, jebal uril jikyojwo
tto dashi mannal ku naren ibyol optki-reul

Shamrock/Hold On

Hey, baby, how?s life been movin? on?
I can?t deny it, now you are gone
This is the first time
Can I make it through?
Without you now, do the things I used to do

It?s getting harder to ease the pain
The feeling changes, love still remains
I don?t know how if I can get this right
Maybe given time
I?ll make the most of what I?ve got

Is this the price we pay
With all the good times we shared
Faithfully, we?ve got a reason to go on
I know it?s good to be true
Just spend the nights with you
Let me tell you that our love can make it through

Hold on, baby hold on
We?ve got to go on now
This feeling so strong
Hold on, baby hold on
It?s a burning desire
Comin? right down the wire

Sweet talking it?s all in the line
There?s no turning back
Unless you make up your mind
The expectations after all of these years
Risin? to the moment let?s forget all our fears

Is this the love we have
With all the good times we shared
Faithfully, we?ve got a reason to go on
I know it?s good to be true
Just spend the nights with you
Let me tell you that our love can make it through

Hold on, baby hold on
We?ve got to go on now
This feeling so strong
Hold on, baby hold on
It?s a burning desire
Comin? right down the wire

And when the night is over
Well, no one can deny it
Got to believe in
We couldn?t ask for more
Than to hold each other tight
It?s just we?ll never take things for granted

Hold on, baby hold on
We?ve got to go on now
This feeling so strong
Hold on, baby hold on
It?s a burning desire
Comin? right down the wire
Hold on, baby hold on (hold on)
We?ve got to go on now
(You can hold on to me while I hold on to you?)
Hold on, baby hold on? (hold on) 

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