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A Special Recap Pt 1 of 2: The Guksoo Loveline: Episodes 1-5 I Live in Cheongdam-dong

I Live in Cheongdam-dong, JTBC
Although life tends to get busier during summers, and I’m embarrassed to admit that I failed to finish my last recapping effort, I’ve recruited a guest blogger—Sechubie, also a huge fan of I Live in Cheongdam-dong—to help me with a recapping pet project. Since this is an experimental collaboration, and neither of us are sure how our schedules will look in the weeks to come, we wanted to keep the project within our means. So instead of recapping the entire 100+ drama, since neither of us felt confident enough to take on such a commitment, we decided to focus on our favorite thread within the show: the loveline between goofy heroine JiEun and her two adorable suitors, SangYeob and HyunWoo. However, despite the selective recapping, we will do our best to keep the show’s context so that their arc makes sense. Sitcoms are generally episodic, this one especially, slowly building up characters through situational humor, so JiEun’s storylines don’t intersect too much with the other cast members anyway. Hopefully between the two of us, we will be able to see this to the end...

Update: TT So very very very sorry, will not be able to continue the recap (which I guess is already pretty obvious), but please enjoy the introduction to this adorable drama.

A word about the drama by me:
I Live in Cheongdam-dong is a daily sitcom that airs Monday through Friday on JTBC. It is about a family of misfits who move to a trendy and affluent neighborhood with hopes that by just being near money they will improve their lives. What attracts me most about this drama isn’t just that it is well-written (although it is both clever and perceptive in the ways it develops both characters and their feelings), or that it is humorous (it is), or even that it has an easygoing and enjoyable story (check)…all of the above are factors, but I am most charmed by the pure tenacity of the characters, their self-respect, and the straightforward nature of their goodness. They are embarrassing and imperfect personalities, sometimes uncomfortable and selfish, but they feel real, just with a sitcom spin. These folks feel like next door neighbors, not television cutouts. Through new friends, new loves, and the odd situations they get themselves into, the characters of this show begin to change their prejudices, pursue new dreams, and most of all, they realize that life, whether in wealth or poverty, is a special thing because we endure it with the people we love. I encourage everyone to visit the whole show. 
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