İyi Seyirler Dileriz.

The Romance / 로망스 (2006)

Oyuncular :
Jo Jae-Hyeon, Kim Ji-Soo, Jang Hyun Sung, Yun Je-Mun, Gi Ju-Bong, Uhm Hyo-Seop, Kim Do-Gyun, Kim Deok-Hyeon, Kim Young-Pil, Park Min-Gyu
Yönetmen :
Mun Seung-Wuk
Tür :
Süre: 106 dakika


Yoon hee kocasinin saplantilari yüzünden hayattan bezer ve nefes almanin ne kadar aci oldugunu hissedir. Bir gün aniden intihara tesebbüs eder ve birisi onu kollarindan tutarak kurtardigi zaman intahardan vazgeçer. Hyung jun bir dedektiftir ve yoon hee'ye hiçbir sey sormaz ama o bazi insanlar için neyin daha adil oldugunu bilir...
Yoon hee, Hyung jun'u aramaya koyulur ve onu görür o anda ona asik oldugunu hisseder. Çünkü Hyung jun'un yaninda hissettigi baris ve mutluluk hapishanesinden özgür olmak için tamamen imkansiz olan ve bu kalp kiran seyin korku oldugunu bilir....



Jo Jae-Hyeon, Kim Ji-Soo, Jang Hyun Sung, Yun Je-Mun, Gi Ju-Bong, Uhm Hyo-Seop, Kim Do-Gyun, Kim Deok-Hyeon, Kim Young-Pil, Park Min-Gyu

Mun Seung-Wuk
Time: 106 min


Yoon-hee of life because of her husband's obsession with cloth, and how much pain that the shares are to breathe. One day I will suddenly and attempted suicide by holding one of her arms when the rescue will give intahardan. Hyung jun is a detective and will not ask anything hee'ye Yoon for some people, but he knows what is more fair...
Yoon-hee, is set to search for Hyung jun'u and sees him at that moment he feels in love with him. Because the peace and happiness felt by Hyung jun'un to be free from prison, and this is entirely impossible to know the fear of heart-breaking thing....

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